WCS Inc, (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as this “Policy”) for the handling of personal information of users (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) of the Company’s services (hereinafter referred to as the “Company’s Services”). In establishing and applying the following privacy policy, the Company aims to ensure that the personal information of customers is collected, used and protected appropriately while being managed securely, in recognition of the importance of that personal information. This shall be carried out by the Company or other companies that are working on behalf of the Company under a strict contract with the Company.


Article 1 (Definition of personal information)

“Personal information” refers to personal information as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and means information about a living person that can be used to identify a specific individual, such as their name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information or other descriptions, as well as information that is sufficient in itself to identify a specific individual (personally identifying information), such as appearance data, fingerprint data or voiceprint data, or the insurer number on a health insurance card.。


Article 2 (Security control of personal information)

  • The Company will strive to protect personal information in its possession, taking appropriate security control measures in accordance with laws, regulations and guidelines to prevent leakage, loss, destruction and damage of personal information. In addition, the Company will educate its employees on the proper handling of personal information and take all possible measures to protect such information.
  • The Company may entrust all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, the Company will carry out necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the secure management of personal information by the third party.

Article 3 (Method of collecting personal information)

当The Company may ask for personal information such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, etc. when Users register for use. Information may also be collected from the Company’s business partners (including information providers, advertisers, advertisement distributors, etc.; hereinafter referred to as “Partners”), etc.


Article 4 (Purpose of collecting and using personal information)

The purposes for which the Company collects and uses personal information are as follows.

  • To provide and operate the Company’s Services
  • To respond to inquiries from Users (including verification of identity)
  • To email Users information on new features, updates, promotions, etc. of the services they are using, as well as information on other services provided by the Company
  • To communicate as necessary for maintenance, important notices, etc.
  • To identify Users who have violated the Terms of Use or who are attempting to use the service for fraudulent or improper purposes, and to refuse their usage
  • To allow Users to view, change or delete their own registration information, or view the status of their usage
  • Purposes incidental to the above purposes of use

Article 5 (Changing the purpose of use)

  • The Company shall change the purpose of use of personal information only when it is reasonably deemed that the purpose of use is relevant to the purpose of use before the change.
  • In the event of a change in the purpose of use, the Company shall notify Users or publicly announce on this website the purpose of use after the change by a method designated by the Company.

Article 6 (Provision of personal information to third parties)

  • The Company will not provide personal information to third parties except as described below. However, this excludes cases permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations.
    • When the User’s consent has been obtained in advance
    • When it is necessary for the protection of human life, human health or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned
    • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local public body or an entity entrusted by either of the foregoing in executing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person concerned is likely to impede the execution of such affairs
    • When a court, public prosecutor’s office, police department or any other agency with equivalent authority requests disclosure of personal information
    • When prior notice or announcement of the following matters is provided, and the Company has notified the Personal Information Protection Commission
      • The fact that provision to third parties is included in the purpose of use
      • The items of data to be provided to third parties
      • Means or method of provision to third parties
      • The fact that the provision of personal information to third parties can be stopped at the request of the person concerned
      • The method for accepting requests from the person concerned
  • Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in the following cases, the recipient of the information shall not be considered a third party.
    • When the Company entrusts the handling of personal information, either wholly or in part, to another party to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use
    • When the personal information is provided in connection with the succession of the Company’s business due to a merger or other reasons
    • When personal information is used in a collaboration with specific persons, and the User is notified in advance of that fact as well as what personal information is to be used for the collaboration, the extent of persons involved in the collaborative usage, the purpose of use of those using the information, and the full name or title of the persons responsible for management of that information, or this information is published in a manner that allows the User to easily learn of it

Article 7 (Cookie usage)

This website uses a technology called “cookies” to make it more convenient for you to use. The use of cookies enables our website to identify your computer, but does not allow us to identify you personally. You can configure your browsers to refuse to accept cookies. If you do so, you may not be able to use some of the services provided by this website.


Article 8 (Changes to Privacy Policy)

  • The contents of this Policy may be changed without notice to Users, except as otherwise provided by law or otherwise in this Policy.
  • Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

If you have any inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact us using the following information.

Address: Nagoya Head Office
Sakae Plaza Building 9F, 1-10-9, Higashizakura, Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
Company name: WCS Inc.
Email address: